Saturday, April 11, 2015

March Madness, Season 3 and Total Disturbances!

Hello there!

It's been awhile, I know.

I have had some major drawbacks this month. I won't do the "poor, poor pitiful me" dance, I will leave that to someone with less training than I have.

I totally messed up my bank account this month to the tune of about $1500.00! Now this is not okay,
as normally, that would set me back about $400. So, you see, I was not born with a silver spoon up my arse! This is why I am online in the first place. Who can live on $1200.00 a month?

There, now that that has been said...onward!

The Season 3 session of the Kore4 teams competition is underway and wow! What a ride this has been. The team I joined is Team AdKreator. We are in the Ragin' Redneck TE Racing League Division. So far, so good. We could do better, but then, it is everybody's effort that will make that happen. We need to move it on up!

The XP and badges collected (most have more XP) are what moves the members and the teams up in rank. We want to collect these so we can win that $5000 that is to be awarded this year! Wow! That is a lot of money and I would love to gain a piece of that pie, wouldn't you?

Gooo Team AdKreator!

Kore4 is the Click Track Profit upgrade that allows you to be in a team. You have upgrades to your CTP membership, your I Love Hits membership, your StartXchange membership, your Sweeva membership and your Thumbvu membership. Wow! That's $30.00 for five of the bests sites you can work with!

So there you have it, and best of luck to everyone who is participating!