Monday, December 24, 2012

Just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!

Here's to hoping all your gifts are priceless
and your blessings are many!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jerry Meyers' GVO Academy Presentation
August 3, 2010
Mindset Series #1, Chapter 1-Think and Grow Rich- Napoleon Hill
Viewed September 1, 2010

  • Thoughts Become Things
  • Everything begins and ends with a purpose
  • Have a definitive purpose
  • Finding your purpose
  • Making a difference with purpose
  • TNT=Thoughts into Things

Definitive Purpose: A purpose with commitment

  • Thought -conscious
  • Emotion-subconscious
  • All things begin and end with purpose
  • Purpose precedes production
  • Until purpose is discovered, existence has no meaning
  • No amount of accomplishment can replace the power and motivation of finding your niche, passion, and purpose.
Thought + Emotion = Definitive Purpose!

Posted by Barbara Erickson
December 20, 2012

Monday, December 17, 2012

Today I Want to Recommend:
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Program Review of
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Type of Program: Manual Traffic Exchange
Owner: Randy Ritter
Experience: New Owner
Training: Video Training Coming soon
Price: No Cost to Start, best upgrade $9.99
Commissions: 10 - 30%
Ease of Use: Superb
Design: Fantastic and High Flying
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After joining TopFlightTraffic I was quite impressed with
how easy it was to move through the members area
and the ease of setting up my advertising was a snap.

Then when I reviewed the Commission plan and the fact
I can give away memberships and make residual income
on upgrades and One Time Offers I was excited. Then I
realized that they're even paying commissions on credit
purchase as well... something not many Te's do. Nice touch!

This was a bit more then I expected and boy have I been
pleased with this program. The support is great, the follow
up is wonderful and the training is way above what I

Then I tried out the surfing and was very pleased with not
only the look of the surf bar, but all the surfing rewards I
quickly ran into.

The bottom line is... this program is fantastic and I would
suggest that anyone who's been looking for a way to out
fly their competition should join today.

There's a whole lot to gain from being a member and
hey, don't forget to take the offer... (you'll know what
I mean when you join) yes, the offer that you've got
to see... it's awesome!

Performance: Extremely effective
User Friendly:  Hey, if I can do this, so can you!
Cost:  Affordable-upgrade is recommended!
Support: Randy Ritter knows the business & is available to you.
Results:  My sites are getting noticed.
Features: Personalized splash pages, commissions, top notch support.
Reviewed by  Barbara Erickson

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Wow! What a Ride!

This has been quite the ride!

Learning to use Click Track Profit to build a business is sensible, but not easy.

I have had fun using Adkreator to make a splash page or two. I enjoy using the site to track my splash pages and banners.

I am wondering about an upgrade in TECommand Post so I can keep track of all the Traffic Exchanges I am using. 

I have upgraded in several of the main Traffic Exchanges, along with AdKreator and and Traffic Wave. 

According to the Pizza Plan 2 that Jon Olson has put out, all I need now is my Domain Name and hosting.

I think that's it other than to use Affiliate Funnel, but I am not sure if that is necessary since the creation of Click Track Profit, which is acting as a hub.

Progress, not perfection. This has been a lesson about slowing down enough to listen and pay attention to the TELive sessions, the other marketers in the chats of the traffic exchanges, and my own body's needs. 

I feel like I am making headway and that the seas for now are calm enough to let me get some sleep.

Thank you to Jon, Tim, Larry, Barb D., Marian, and all the other members of the sites I surf at for helping me when I needed it, answering my questions, reassurance when I doubted, and continued support for the future.

This is the way; slow and steady, putting one piece of the puzzle together at a time. 

Thank you also to Randy Ritter, owner of Top Flight Traffic for sharing his story, his vision and wisdom he has gained. I feel a kinship with him, because we have walked some of the same trail. I know what it is like to want that vision to come true so badly you can taste it. If I can do it, so can you Randy Ritter! It brings tears to my eyes to put my energy behind your vision because I want it to come true for you.

I have had my vision come true. How about you? For what day do you wait to make your dreams a reality?