Monday, September 23, 2013

A New Surf Group Has Captured Me!

In my last post, I told you about Legacy Hits.
The Legacy Hits guys have added on for our surfing pleasure:
Ninja Hits, Social Ad Surf, and TE Racing League!

Open new tabs for each site and surf them at the same time.
Simple to do and the credits are boosted while you surf.

Now these are all some awesome sights, I just surfed them,
and the rewards are outstanding! Extra credits for surfing 
175 at each site every day. You simply add the promo code
for each site and surf for your rewards.

Interspersed on the surfing pages of these sites are chances
to get even more credits! You will see the pages asking for
your username to one of the sites. Simply put your username
for the site in, open the site in a new tab, and log in as you
normally would. Then surf from the new tab for the required
amount of page views and get your reward!

There is also a match game where you can win cash!
Oh, and a slot opportunity to win credits for your ads. A cash
jackpot is also available to win!

All these sites are free to join and there are some great prices
and benefits for those who wish to upgrade.

Simply click this banner if you want to experience these rewards
for your time spent surfing:

See you in the surf!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nerd Surfing and More!

Wow! A lot has happened in the space between! Sorry for the lapse in posts, have had many setbacks in the months behind me.
My computer was out of commission. Had it repaired finally.
I have returned to reality in the form of recovery and am learning to live again.

I guess I was content to lay off my online endeavors for this period. Seems it
was needed. When I came back some things had changed at Click Track Profit.
There were new additions in the form of paid to click sites. There was also
talk of an autoresponder in the works! All these are wonderful, but my very
favorite discovery through Click Track Profit has simply been:


This site has been my favorite to surf at. It has fun games,
lots of great deals for members to make the most of their
marketing with, knowledegable members to chat with while
surfing, and now there is more opportunity to keep those
hard-earned credits in play and your sites in rotation!

I am very pleased with my Legacy membership!
Check it out for yourself by clicking on the banner.
See you in the surf!