Tuesday, August 25, 2015

So You Think You Want To Know Me?

Hello again from Alaska! It's Barbara to set the record as straight as I can.

I am officially a Click Track Profit member, and I am also a member of Cash Surfing Network.

In my attempts to understand what I need or don't need to run a business online, I have collected
more membership sites than are possible for one person to handle. And, not only that, they interlap and are connected to other systems as well! Now, I am being questioned about who/what I belong to.

I am a member of Tim Tech sites, the Legacy team sites, and due to overlaps, also some of the Goettman sites. I think three groups of teams and sites is enough for anybody to be a part of, thank you very much!

Of course, this just isn't so. There are other "systems" and "coops" I have run across in the constant overlapping and downline building of sites. If this isn't enough to confuse someone, I do not know what is. I am starting to see what belongs to what, so if I can get that down to a boundary of groups, I will have this half licked.

Happily surfing onward!


Friday, August 21, 2015

Hello from the Alaskan corner of the universe!

Hello from the Alaskan corner of the universe!

Barbara Erickson wants to get some writing done today.
I've been working on learning about some of my mailers
and safelists that I've collected through their individual
downline builders. Some I've gathered just because I
liked the splash page or the name.

Learning to write effective emails for products is kind of
baffling. I see so many good & not so good examples
that others send me through the above mentioned sites.

I have totally fallen in love with the recently launched
Atomic Mailer! It is growing very fast, and I am pleased
at this rapid growth. The owner is doing a "dime sale" in
proportion to individuals signing up. Example; for every
100 people, he increases the price a bit. I got to join for
$1.20 the other day! That is a great offer price!

Today, I will return to promote this site some more, as 
well as get back to some of the traffic exchanges I had
neglected in my "whirlwind" of activity around mailers.

Click Track Profit is still my guiding light, and the members
there are still my cohorts! My best to all of you! As fall
approaches, I plan to do more studying of materials I've
gathered through all my efforts as well. 



Friday, August 7, 2015

Lesson for Today

Just got done watching a SpreeCast

Jon Olson does a "show" here most weekdays-usually not on Friday as he has other things scheduled for that day.

Seems funny; looking back at how afraid and immature I was when I first got
online to see about this "marketing" stuff. Yes, I was totally intimidated by you
so called "gurus". 

Today, I have grown to really listen to what Jon has to say. Yes, he may "rant"
and get on a soapbox, but deep underneath-I now see he really wants us to understand-what it is that he cares about so deeply. Not just his "topic" of the moment, but his members. Yes, you & me!

He wants us to grow so badly, it upsets him when he sees others trying to trick us or pull us off track. I remember Jon from I Love Hits and his other great site,

I was online when Gary Ambrose was making his "loud" videos for the new Sweeva site. Around that time, I was lost and needed to back out of the scene for awhile.

If I posted something about "Jon Olson Sucks" during that time; I truly apologize. Ignorance is bliss they say and I really had no clue what I was upset about. I only knew I was upset and that my dreams were not coming true. I really was reacting at that time, as I did not know any better. My growth as a human being has been long and slower at times. 

Today, I respect Jon Olson and what he has accomplished. Ironic how after that mess I left the online world in, that I would return to Jon Olson's sites. This time I truly want to understand and make the best use of them I possibly can. 

I joined Click Track Profit when I came back online. I had seen it prior to leaving-I believe it was just launched when I had to exit. I am recommending it today and using it. 

This site and the members have helped me grow in my marketing efforts as much as they possibly can. I'm sure I've driven some of them goofy at times with my "well-intentioned" mistakes. I probably still make some of them wonder what the hell I'm doing online at all. That's okay. 

I am online to master marketing. Oh boy! I really bit off a big chunk with that statement. That truly is why I am here though. I want to make money online-eventually.

This is a gradual learning process. "There are no get-rich quick ways to do this", according to Jon and many other marketers I've spoken to. I have been advised to "stay the course" and "show up daily". "Leaders are readers" is another fact I have heard from many successful people. "Attitude determines your altitude" is another token.

These lessons are what have stuck with me these many years. There are probably many more, but I am learning how to "keep it simple" today.

Thank you for letting me share.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Windows 10 Upgrade

Hello Blogger World!

Made a fairly seamless transition to Windows 10 this morning.
Since it took awhile, I took some time to review my Blogging for
Dummies book. 
I have come here to make a short entry. Just checking things out
and getting my correct address for this blog.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and I will be around surfing in
all the awesome sites listed in my Click Track Profit back office!
Hope to see You soon!