Blogging Is Creativity!
I love blogging! I can write about whatever I like.
I can post whatever I like and I can express what I am feeling whenever I like!
To me there is nothing that gives me that "Saturday night feeling" like my fingers pressing the keys on my keyboard.
Ever since I was small, it is what I was fascinated by: the sound of a typewriter or even an adding machine. I loved looking at the old journals and ledger books. Graph paper or check books that accountants used all stirred up a feeling of "importance" in me.
I had no idea what these documents were, but I wanted to know.
I wanted to smell them and write on them at a wooden desk with a lamp.
So, of course I like blogging. It stands to reason doesn't it? I was always good at writing and practiced to make very neat letters, either printed or in cursive. I had to use "certain" pens. There was a certain feeling that some pens had that a stik bic just didn't have.
Was it an artistic bent? I do not know, but I liked to use colored pencils and felt tip markers to draw with. I would practice drawing with a regular pencil also. I liked to draw horses. I drew a nice squirrel once.
I learned more when I had to keep a journal for school. I still have that journal somewhere. I thought I had lost it, but then I found it one day and man was I glad!
So writing and drawing...yeah, I guess those are artistic qualities, but I do not consider myself truly creative. There seems to be void in that area. Lack of use and misuse of that desire and drive got substituted with some unhealthy habits for many years. Writing is the part that did not get misplaced. I used it in school and it is still with me to enjoy as I wish.
Poetry is part of this and so are short stories. I can and have written research papers, but as of late, I am not reading the way I used to. The ideas seem to come as a result of reading. I will have to carve out more time to read. Writing is what I enjoy though, so I have a blog. Bleh!