Friday, February 21, 2014

Wrinkles and Ironing

New Adjustments

I told you my opinion yesterday. Today was better and I am still working it.

I got a new computer last Monday. It had some minor irritations while setting up. Switching from a laptop to a desktop without a webcam was rather odd. I know, I know...I didn't make that many videos or change my profile pic or all the other nifty things I could have, should have, would have. Okay, so let's not shoot any unicorns. Let's not make unicorns cry, and let's try to appreciate each other just the way we are. 

If there is one thing I have learned in my 50+ years, it is I cannot change anyone else, project my expectations onto them, or hold resentments or put them on pedestals. I can only change myself, exercise my own improvement of whatever skills I possess, and ask questions. I ask more questions now than I did when I was younger simply because I am not as afraid. To ask a question or speak my mind as a younger person simply was asking to get shot...and I used to be a unicorn, sigh...

So today I have Nerd surfed at Click Track Profit and at Easy Hits4u, as well as Traffic G, and am working on Surf Skeleton as I write this. I made an improved video for Click Track Profit and a St. Patrick's themed splashpage for AdKreator.
Now, I am writing this blog entry. I would say I have had a pretty full day.

Last week I made a Valentine Click Track Profit splashpage and a Surf Skeleton splashpage using AdKreator. I surfed amid not feeling well and winter chill and was not satisfied with my lack of energy by week's end.  

I had received news that my Uncle Leonard had passed. A couple of weeks before that, I had received news that my favorite cousin had passed. I stayed the course and kept at my online endeavors. I participated amid my grief, my homelife, and that damn winter chill! I wasn't going outdoors unless I absolutely had to and then, I would drag my feet.

Ah yes, the #CTPis3 Badge Hunt and Celebration! I got some badges, and then I got wandering to some new sites that I needed to join to collect keys or badges, and dang it! That's when I started to get confused. I just do not know how I am supposed to remember every site I sign into in a day, and come back to surf them all. Do you? 

Stay focused, be consistent, use the tools, upgrade as you can, make splashes, banners, create emails for a list and a bonus to make it worthwhile for the subscription, get yourself out there with branding and videos, track your sites to see which ones are bringing in results (conversions), make friends, treat your referrals well so they stay, and all the other things I probably have forgotten by now. Whew! If that is not enough to make one's head spin, then I have to choose something out of all this to be an expert at. Who am I, supernerd?!

Oh never mnd, let's just have fun while we work, shall we?


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