Sunday, February 1, 2015

What Happens When A Traffic Exchange Dies?

I ran across this exchange I joined last year.

It was a rather creepy feeling to be on this big, beautiful site alone. I
looked around, seeing there had been a promotion contest. I counted the
members' referrals that were recorded. It was pretty dismal. I looked at
the promo pages, and they had some minor flaws. I wondered why the owner
did not care enough to remedy this.

All in all it was a rather sad experience for me. It made me think of all
the other times I tried so hard to create something or make something work
online. How many sites have I abandoned? How many times did I just let my
imperfections decay?

I don't know who the site owner is/was, but I had this moment of loss.

I must be getting a lot out of my surfing experiences with Click Track Profit to feel so
deeply about a site that appears so forlorn to me.

Just wondered, and thought I'd let you know of this experience.

Thank you for reading,

Barbara Erickson

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